Grade 2 Music, February 2025

In the month of February, second graders are focusing on good breathing technique to support tone production when singing. We are also reviewing the importance of good posture to enable good breathing.

We are nearly finished learning 143 I Love You by Roger Emerson. This song is inspired by Mr. Roger’s favorite number, 143, as the numbers correspond with the letters in the phrase I Love You. Our next song will be Whisper! by Greg Gilpin. We are also continuing our study of rounds with Sing, Sing Together.

In January, we reviewed the instruments of the Strings, Woodwind, and Brass families, which we learned about in the fall. In February, we will be learning about the percussion family, and then expanding our discussion to instruments that are not used in a classical orchestra or band, including instruments from a variety of world cultures.

For music literacy, we have been studying rhythms in 6/8 time. We have practiced echoing and decoding these rhythms, and now we will be reading and writing rhythms in 6/8 time using dotted quarter notes and sets of 3 eighth notes.