Grade 3 General Music, February 2025

In the wake of our wonderful field trip to see the Lexington Symphony, third grade students will be wrapping up our study of instruments of the orchestra in February by exploring the percussion family. We will learn about the three ways percussion instruments make sound, and get a chance to try a variety of different percussion instruments. Then we will begin a discussion of instruments outside of the Western classical tradition, and how those instruments fit into the four families we have learned about so far.

Third grade students are nearly finished learning Eletelephony, a fun tongue-twister of a song. We have also just learned the English round Sing, Sing Together in unison and are working on singing it in a three part round before beginning a new round from Czechoslovakia, Let Us Sing Together.

For music literacy, students spent the month of January getting familiar with rhythms in 6/8 time using dotted quarter notes and sets of three eighth notes. We echoed, decoded, and read these rhythms and now students are ready to write down rhythms they hear and also create their own rhythm patterns and write them down. We will also start listening to patterns and songs that use a quarter note followed by an eighth note in 6/8 time.